FIRST Robotics Team

Robo Lobo Bellos

wolf head logo

About Us

FRC team 7243, known as the "Robo-Lobo-Bellos," is dedicated to empowering students through comprehensive STEM education, fostering adept problem-solving abilities, honing effective management techniques, and nurturing impactful leadership skills.

Our team operates under a student-led and student-focused framework, ensuring that every individual discovers their unique role within our dynamic community.

This ethos of unity and collaboration cultivates something of a second family, instilling within us a profound sense of team pride and an unwavering commitment to exert our utmost effort.

Team Photo

What We Do


During the Pre-Season, students can anticipate engaging in a range of activities aimed at building foundational skills and preparing for the upcoming competition season.

This period involves workshops and training sessions to familiarize members with tools, programming languages, and design principles.

Additionally, teambonding, strategizing, and brainstorming for potential robot designs and game strategies are common elements of the FRC preseason experience.

Pre-Season image

Build Season

During the intense build season of an FRC (FIRST Robotics Competition) team, students can expect a dynamic and collaborative environment focused on designing, fabricating, and iterating on their competition robot.

Working closely with mentors, students will apply their skills in engineering, programming, and problem-solving to construct a functional and innovative robot that meets the challenges of the game.

The build season involves long hours, tight deadlines, and a strong sense of camaraderie as the team strives to create a successful robot before the competition.

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Info for Sponsors

Letter to Sponsors